About us
The research of the Department concerns computer science, physics, mathematical physics and mathematics:
- framework in Prolog for analysis and verification of CEP systems;
- natural language analysis using neural networks and other machine learning methods;
- construction of algebraic structures for advanced logarithmic image processing to improve their quality and intelligent analysis;
- reference set editing and reduction for the nearest neighbor rule;
- classical and quantum dynamical systems, their symmetries, integrability and superintegrability;
- foundations of quantum mechanics including the Bell inequalities (analysed by group-theoretical methods), quantum speed limits and related topics;
- classical solutions in general relativity and their relations to electromagnetic field configurations (in particular the double copy conjecture);
- classical and quantum dynamics on coadjoint orbits;
- geometry of accretion on compact objects (black holes, neutron stars);
- modeling of physical processes responsible for the generation of X-ray radiation observed from the close vicinity of compact objects;
- influence of the effects of general relativity on the spectra observed from X-ray sources;
- reduction and time-dependent/averaged analysis of data registered by X-ray satellite instruments;
- code development/adaptation of models from XSPEC (main public X-ray data analysis tool) for specific research purposes;
- study of K-theory of multipullback odd-dimensional quantum spheres and quantum complex projective spaces.
The members of the Department conduct classes for students of computer science and physics.
Contact details
Department of Computer Science