Łódzkie Dni Informatyki odbyły się na Uniwersytecie Łódzkim

Lodz IT Days (#ŁDI) is the largest event in the Lodz region dedicated to information and communication technology (ICT), organised by the Lodz ICT Cluster. This year's edition at the University of Lodz was held on 20 November, on the campuses of the Faculty of Physics and Applied Informatics and the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, gathering a large group of participants: students, young professionals and enthusiasts of new technologies.

Rich event programme
The Lodz IT Days offered participants a unique opportunity to participate in free lectures, workshops and job fairs dedicated exclusively to the IT industry. The programme included inspiring lectures given by experts, practical workshops, and the opportunity to talk to representatives of leading technology companies. It was not only a place to exchange knowledge and experiences, but also a chance to establish contacts and learn about job offers in the dynamically developing IT sector.

Opening lecture: "Do we need Polish language models?"
The event was opened by a lecture entitled "Do we need Polish language models?", delivered by dr hab.Piotr Pęzik, Associate Professor at the University of Lodz. During the lecture the importance of creating models adapted to the Polish language in the era of dominance of global generative language models (GMJ/LLM), developed by global technology giants was discussed

The lecture introduced the process of building the Polish language model PLLuM, which includes, among other things, the phases of basic training, tuning on instructions and personalisation of the model. Particular attention was paid to the potential applications of PLLuM, legal aspects related to its development and its significance for the future of processing the Polish language.

Participants had the opportunity not only to attend lectures and workshops, but also to talk to representatives of leading technology companies and learn about job opportunities in the IT industry.

This year's edition of the Lodz IT Days was another step in promoting new technologies and building a platform for exchanging knowledge and experiences between the academic and business communities. We would like to thank everyone for participating in the event and encourage you to attend the next editions!