Abstract blue spinning wormhole.

European Union projects

EU research project no. H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015-691246  „New Geometry of Quantum Dynamics”, QUANTUM DYNAMICS (HORIZON 2020 programme); implementation period: 01.01.2016- 31.12.2019; coordinator - Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences; contractor of tasks at the University of Lodz - Bartosz Zieliński, PhD.

National Science Centre (NCN), Poland projects

NCN research project no.  2020/04/X/ST6/00407„Preliminary research on the possibility of using selected hash functions submitted for the SHA-3 competition in the SDEX encryption method” (MINIATURA 4); implementation period: 16.10.2020-15.10.2021; head – Artur Hłobaż, PhD.

NCN research project no. 2016/23/B/ST2/00727 „Conformal symmetries of the dynamical systems” (OPUS 12); implementation period: 14.07.2017-13.01.2020; head – prof. Piotr Kosiński.

NCN research project no. 2013/09/B/ST2/02205 „Various nonrelativistic conformal symmetries and the corresponding dynamical systems: mathematical structure and physical applications”  (OPUS 5); implementation period: 11.03.2014-10.03.2017; head – prof. Piotr Kosiński.

Ministry of National Education/NCN research project no. N N202 331139 „Twistor geometries and their applications in the theory of fundamental interactions”; implementation period: 03.09.2010-02.09.2013; head – prof. Piotr Kosiński.

National Centre for Research and Development (NCBiR), Poland projects

NCBiR research project no. BIOSTRATEG3/343817/17/NCBR/2018  „Development of an innovative method for calculating the carbon footprint for a basic basket of food products”  CFOOD (3rd competition of the Strategic Programme for Scientific Research and Development "Natural environment, agriculture and forestry" BIOSTRATEG); implementation period: 02.07.2018-31.12.2021; coordinator: Institute of Agricultural and Food Biotechnology – State Research Institute (IBPRS-PIB), Warsaw; task manager at the University of Lodz – Piotr Milczarski, PhD.

ERASMUS+ didactic projects

Erasmus+ didactic project no. 2021-1-DE01-KA220-HED-000023215 „Start IT: Development of Soft and Future Skills using Digital Entrepreneurship”;  implementation period: 28.02.2022-27.02.2025; coordinator: Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin – University of Applied Sciences (HTW Berlin), Germany;  head of the project at the University of Lodz – Zofia Stawska, PhD (till 30.09.2023).

Erasmus+ didactic project no. 2019-1-FR01-KA201-062510  „JEU: Jounons Ensemble pour l’Union Européenne/Serious Gaming for a Better Europe”; implementation period: 01.09.2019-31.08.2022; coordinator: Le Partenariat, France; head of the project at the University of Lodz – Piotr Milczarski, PhD.

„The Excellence Initiative-Research University” (Polish acronym IDUB) projects

Research project no. 59/2021 „The study of physical processes responsible for X-ray emission originating from accretion on neutron stars”  („The Excellence Initiative-Research University” programme, Polish acronym IDUB); implementation period: 01.07.2022-30.06.2024; head – Michał Szanecki, PhD.

Research project no. 54/2021 „Twodimensional superintegrable dynamics on spaces of constant curvature”  („The Excellence Initiative-Research University” programme, Polish acronym IDUB); implementation period: 01.01.2021-31.12.2021; head – prof. Piotr Kosiński.